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5 Ways to Make Your Employees Feel Appreciated

Most employers have heard about the Great Resignation. But have you heard four million workers quit their jobs every month for the past six months? These kinds of numbers make retaining your existing workforce critical to your success. How can you retain your workforce longer? Let them know how much you appreciate them—that’s how. Here’s […]

Increasing Employee Retention

Building employee loyalty is a hard goal. That’s because more American workers are more willing to quit their jobs than ever before. The data shows that one in four employees says they will quit their job for a new opportunity. That makes it tough for employers to retain their top workers. Here are some suggestions […]

5 Ways to Make Employees Feel Safe Once Returning to the Office

The ups and downs of the past year may finally be settling down. Offices reopened under social distancing guidelines, and vaccines are being distributed. At some point, business owners will have to deal with staff that may feel anxious about returning to work. Here are five ways to ease this transition. Return to Work Safety […]