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6 Tips to Manage Work Relationships When Working Remotely

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Building and maintaining positive relationships with colleagues is essential for collaboration, productivity, and overall job satisfaction. Nearly 60% of the workforce today are remote or hybrid employees. As remote work becomes more common, employees need to be able to manage their work relationships effectively. But when workers are remote, it takes a special effort for managers to create camaraderie among dispersed teams.

Six Tips for Managing Remote Teams

Set clear communication expectations.

Working remotely requires more intentional communication. Set clear expectations with your colleagues on how and when you will communicate. This effort could include establishing regular check-ins, setting response time expectations, and defining which communication tools to use for different situations. Setting clear expectations can help prevent misunderstandings and ensure everyone is on the same page.

Schedule virtual social interactions.

Remote work can be isolating, but social interactions are essential for building and maintaining colleague relationships. Schedule virtual coffee breaks, happy hours, or other team-building activities to create opportunities for social interactions. These virtual events can be a great way to get to know your colleagues personally and build rapport.

Show empathy and understanding.

When working remotely, it’s important to remember that everyone deals with unique challenges and distractions. Show compassion and understanding towards your colleagues when they need to reschedule a meeting or take a break due to personal circumstances. Being supportive and understanding of remote employees can help build stronger relationships and a more positive work culture.

Be proactive in your communication.

When working remotely, getting caught up in your tasks and forgetting to communicate with colleagues can be easy. Be proactive in your communication by regularly checking in with your colleagues, providing updates on your progress, and seeking feedback on your work. Proactively communicating can help build trust and accountability with your colleagues.

Use video conferencing

Video conferencing can be a great way to connect with colleagues and build relationships, even when working remotely. Use video conferencing for team meetings, one-on-one check-ins, or informal conversations. Seeing your colleagues’ faces and body language can help build empathy and create meaningful connections.

Seek out opportunities for collaboration.

Collaboration is an essential aspect of building relationships in the workplace. Seek out opportunities for collaboration with your colleagues, even when working remotely. Collaboration could include working on a project, co-authoring a report, or brainstorming ideas. Collaboration builds trust, creates a shared purpose, and produces more productive outcomes.

Looking for Remote and Hybrid Teams?

Managing work relationships from afar with dispersed teams requires intentional effort and communication to build strong and positive relationships with your colleagues. ADD STAFF can help by providing companies with experienced remote employees well-versed in today’s new work environments. Talk to our team today about how we can help your business.

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