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How to Tell Your Manager That You Are Over Worked

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If you’re feeling overworked, it’s not in your head. There’s been a lot published on how burnout levels are rising; 89% of Americans have experienced these symptoms in the past year. The data also suggests that Americans work harder than most industrialized countries with less paid vacation. More than 10% of Americans work 50+ hours a week on the average.

When faced with an excessive workload affecting your well-being or job performance, it’s essential to communicate with your manager about the situation. There’s a dilemma if you’re feeling overworked that many employees face, which is how to tell their boss about their struggles. Sharing your concerns professionally and constructively can help address the issue and find a solution. Here are some steps to effectively communicate with your manager about being overworked.

How to Talk About Workload with Your Manager

Reflect on the Situation

Before approaching your manager, take some time to reflect on your workload and its impact on your work-life balance, productivity, and overall well-being. Identify specific instances where you feel overwhelmed or unable to meet deadlines. This self-assessment will help you articulate your concerns more effectively.

Schedule a Meeting

Request a meeting with your manager to discuss your workload concerns. Choose a time when you can have a focused conversation without distractions. Consider sending a brief email beforehand to outline the purpose of the meeting, ensuring your manager is aware of the topic.

Prepare Talking Points

Create a list of specific points to discuss during the meeting. Communicate how your current workload affects your performance, stress levels, and work-life balance. Provide specific examples of tasks or projects stretching your capacity or causing undue pressure. Be prepared to suggest potential solutions or strategies to manage the workload more effectively.

Be Solution-Oriented

Approach the conversation with a solution-oriented mindset. While it’s essential to communicate your challenges, it’s equally important to propose feasible solutions. Consider options such as delegating specific tasks, adjusting deadlines, reallocating resources, or seeking additional support. You demonstrate your commitment to finding a resolution and maintaining productivity by offering potential solutions.

Use “I” Statements

Use “I” statements to express your concerns and feelings. This approach avoids sounding accusatory or confrontational. For example, say, “I’m feeling overwhelmed with the current workload,” instead of, “You are giving me too much work.” This shift in language fosters a more collaborative and constructive conversation.

Provide Evidence and Data

Back up your claims with evidence and data where possible. If you have records or documentation demonstrating an increased workload or an imbalance in responsibilities, present them to your manager. Concrete evidence can help strengthen your case and make it easier for your manager to understand the gravity of the situation.

Seek Guidance and Support

While discussing your workload, don’t hesitate to ask for your manager’s guidance and support. Share your willingness to meet expectations and deliver quality work but express the need for assistance in prioritizing tasks or redistributing responsibilities. Your manager’s insight and perspective can provide valuable guidance in managing your workload effectively.

Maintain a Professional Tone

During the conversation, maintain a professional and respectful tone. Avoid blaming or criticizing anyone, including your manager or colleagues. Instead, focus on sharing your concerns and seeking collaboration to find a solution. Keep the discussion constructive and goal-oriented.

Find Your Perfect Fit

If, after your conversation, the workload remains unmanageable or your concerns are not addressed, it may be necessary to evaluate your options. ADD STAFF can help. We are a top job placement agency that can help you find a better environment. If you’re struggling, contact our team. We can help.

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