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How to Create Great Company Culture with A Remote Team

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Most HR teams worry about how to create a better company culture. They know that good culture is essential to employee retention and engagement. Culture also matters to potential employees looking for a new professional home. But what if your team is remote? How do you create a great company culture when your employees never or seldom come on-site? This is an increasing worry, as the statistics show that the volume of remote workers is steadily increasing. Here are some suggestions for how to create a great company culture, even if your team is remote.

Tips for Creating a Better Remote Culture

Company culture is easier to build when you are meeting face-to-face. Supervisors must work a little harder now to support their off-site remote employees. But this effort is always worth it. Building a better remote culture will help your organization attract and retain the best talent while also increasing company productivity.

Here are ways you can create a great company culture within a remote team environment:

  • Communicate regularly: Working remotely can be isolating, so managers and HR teams must make more of an effort to communicate regularly with this workforce. Use video conferencing, emails, or instant messaging to touch base about big and small issues. These tools can help build trust and even foster a sense of community between you and your remote teams.
  • Connect personally with employees: When was the last time you found out something about the non-work life of your remote worker? What goals are important to them? Where do they see themselves in the next five years? Connecting personally with your employees will help build the ties that bind them to your organization. Find the time to make these connections, and you will build a better culture for your remote workers.
  • Encourage collaboration: Project management platforms are great tools that encourage collaboration with a dispersed workforce. These programs naturally lend themselves to encouraging remote teams to work together efficiently. You can also use virtual team-building events and activities to encourage trust and get teams to work together more cohesively.
  • Set clear expectations: Don’t assume anything when a worker is remote. Address even basic issues, such as when they are expected to respond to instant messaging. Train your managers to respect off hours by not Slacking their remote employees on Sunday morning. Make sure everyone on the team knows what is expected of them and how they can contribute to the success of the company.
  • Offer support: Give your remote team the tools and resources they need to succeed. This includes technology but also mentorship and training. Engage with your remote workers by helping them build a successful career with your company.
  • Foster inclusivity: Encourage diversity and inclusivity on your teams by promoting an open and welcoming culture.
  • Recognize and reward accomplishments: If you have an on-site and remote team, it’s easy sometimes to forget to include the dispersed workforce in on-site events. Make sure you have a rewards and recognition program for everyone on the team. Make sure your events specifically include remote workers. Show appreciation for your team’s hard work and achievements through verbal praise or tangible rewards.

Connect With Our Team!

If you’re looking for skilled, experienced remote or on-site employees, ADD STAFF has you covered. Contact us today about your workforce needs and get started on a more successful 2023.

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