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5 Ways to Highlight Your Company’s Values and Advantages

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 Your company’s values may be standing between you and some top talent. The latest data tells us that 97% of employees say that the cultural fit between them and their company is critically important to their success. CNBC says, “Today’s job seekers are interested in more than just what pay and benefits prospective employers offer. They want to work for firms that share their values, too.” If your company isn’t using your core values to your hiring advantage, you are missing out on talent in today’s job market.

What Are the Benefits of Core Values?

Company values are a set of enduring principles. They’re a set of goals. They are the underlying rules that govern what we care about and strive for in the workplace. When created properly and implemented fully, core values guide the organizational vision, mission, and the principles that everyone holds dear.

A company with core values has an identity that employees can care about. This helps with recruitment and retention as the entire team rallies around values that everyone believes in. This in turn can further shape organizational culture as you work together to contribute to the overall success of the organization. That makes core values a foundational pillar in the institution. It makes sense to promote these pillars to new candidates and employees alike. But how can you do it?

5 Ways to Promote Company Values as Part of Your Culture

1. Tie core values to employee advantages.

Create rewards and recognitions that embrace and support underlying company values. For example, say a core value is to create a more diverse workforce. Tie that to a goal for your recruiters and then reward them for achieving it. That’s just one way to reinforce core values—but it’s a good one.

2. Teach core values at orientation.

Promoting a company’s core values should start on day one for new hires. Training should help employees understand how they can live core values by practicing certain behaviors. Team building exercises can reinforce these lessons. For example, if one of your core values is teamwork, offer training on how to improve communication and collaboration between employees and departments.

3. Align all communication to share and reinforce core values.

Spreading the word about core values will keep them top of mind long after orientation is over. Everyone needs to be on the same page about these values, so working them into corporate communications, putting them on team project pages, sharing stories that illustrate core values all can help keep these cultural lynchpins at the center of the organization.

4. Teach leaders to live core values.

How many times have you heard there’s a disconnect between leadership and the people on the frontlines? It’s a common complaint. But what if leaders truly lived up to their titles by walking the walk of their company values? It’s up to managers to lead by example but it’s also up to the c-suite. If leadership isn’t living by these standards the authenticity of the core value is lost and everything falls apart.

5. Hire for core values.

To infuse your company with the core values that matter, make sure you’re hiring the right people. Talk about core values during the interview process. Ask good questions about the candidate’s core values to see if they line up with your own. Allow company values to permeate the interview process and hire for cultural fit. This will automatically bear fruit as the new employee comes on and believes in the same things that you’re trying to build within the corporate culture. 

Reach Out To ADD STAFF Today!

ADD STAFF works closely with our clients to understand their core values. Then we find talent that seems to match the cultural vibe you’re putting out. It’s a unique focus that many staffing agencies struggle to get right. Find out how we can help you build your corporate culture. Call on us today.

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