Congratulations, you did it! You’re starting a new job as a remote worker. You may never have worked remotely before. Or, you may be a remote worker that’s starting in a brand new company. While there are lots of perks to working remotely, we also know that acclimating to a new business culture when you only meet your coworkers over Zoom can be hard. We have some tips that will help you assimilate into your new company as a remote worker.
Getting to Know Your Team When You’re Remote
In-person onboarding is a lot different when you’re not physically in the building. Face time can make getting to know people a lot easier. It’s hard to engage with others when you’re strictly screen-to-screen. That may make it harder for you to feel like you fit in with an existing team. In these scenarios, it’s better to be proactive in your approach to getting to know people. You can do this in a few ways. For example:
Make Casual Conversation
Practice casual conversation over the communication channels that the company has established. Many companies are using instant messaging platforms like Slack to keep the conversation going between individuals and teams. It’s easy to roll into your new responsibilities and just focus on work, but make sure you are also engaging with your team in other ways. You can use these communication platforms to ask people about their families or what they’re doing on the weekend. Put yourself out there a little and get to know your colleagues.
Work With As Many Colleagues As Possible
Work with as many members of the team as you find feasible. This will help you establish a working relationship and vital connections with your colleagues. There is some strategy behind this effort. As you get to know the team structure, responsibilities, and even its quirks, think about how you can get to know others on the team, support them, and build ties within the group. This will create critical linkages across the organization that will help you fit it and help you show your value to the organization.
Learn More About the Organization
Get to know the company itself by learning how your position fits in with the organization’s overarching goals. How does your work move the organization forward? What is the goal of the work your team is doing? Now is a good time to ask lots of questions to help you understand your place in the corporate structure.
Engage With Your Team & Company As Often As Possible
The best thing you can do as a new remote worker is to engage with the rest of your team and the company itself. This means engaging in the success of everyone involved along with company goals. But it also means engaging your coworkers by getting to know them better personally and professionally.
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ADD STAFF works with candidates just like you to place them in remote work positions where they have the tools they need to succeed. How can we help you in your job search? Call on us to find out more.