Supporting Working Parents

Working parents had a tough 2020, and 2021 still isn’t back to normal, thanks to new surges in the COVID variant. A recent survey shows that 50% of working parents say they are struggling with their job performance due to the demands of COVID-19. How can your company support working parents? Here are some suggestions […]

5 Ways to Make Employees Feel Safe Once Returning to the Office

The ups and downs of the past year may finally be settling down. Offices reopened under social distancing guidelines, and vaccines are being distributed. At some point, business owners will have to deal with staff that may feel anxious about returning to work. Here are five ways to ease this transition. Return to Work Safety […]

How to Juggle Working Remotely with Young Children

One of the biggest challenges of working from home for your employees is how to juggle the needs of young children while simultaneously trying to work from home. Parents must somehow juggle work and home life in this new normal, but it’s hard. Here are some tips that employers can share with their remote workforce […]