5 Ways to Improve Cybersecurity in Your Office

It seems like every day you hear about a new cybersecurity breach. When companies shifted their operations to remote, the attacks increased, according to Security Boulevard, who states there was a 273% increase in cyberattacks in 2020 when compared to the same time in 2019. If that doesn’t worry you, it should. Companies of all sizes […]

Cybersecurity Tips that All Employees Need to Know

October is cybersecurity awareness month. But if your employees know about the tips found in this article, you shouldn’t have to worry about cybersecurity 365-days a year. Here are some important cybersecurity tips that managers need to make sure their employees are aware of and follow to protect their data.  Best Cybersecurity Tips  Every company […]

4 Reasons to Offer Regular Cybersecurity Training to Your Employees

Creating a culture of cybersecurity is the new requirement for every company. Given that the average cost of even one cybersecurity incident is more than a million dollars, companies that fail to train workers on the basic rules around IT security are taking a great risk. That’s because it’s your employees that pose the biggest risk of […]