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Here Are 5 Things You Can Do When Feeling Unappreciated at Work

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If you feel unappreciated in your job, you are not alone. The latest studies show 63% of employees feel unappreciated by their employers. Around 59% of poll participants say they’ve never had a boss that thanked them for doing a good job or told them how much they were appreciated. It’s a shameful situation for employers, who should frankly do a better job at appreciating their workforce. But is there something that you can do to feel better about your work? Here are five steps you can take when feeling unappreciated at work.

What Does Feeling Unappreciated at Work Look Like?

Everyone wants to feel like their work matters, so feeling unappreciated at work can demotivate and hamper your productive. You may dread going into work and dream of a way out. That’s understandable.

Feeling unappreciated means, you toil away on the job and rarely receive praise. You may not even receive any feedback at all. If you do, though, it probably isn’t positive. You may not receive a raise or bonuses, or any other type of financial recognition, either. Maybe your boss even accepts credit for things that you’ve accomplished. What can you do in a situation that feels demotivating? Here are some ideas.


How to Feel Appreciated in Your Job

  1. Look at your coworkers. Are they in the same situation? Do they receive recognition? If so, does the frequency differ from your experience? Are they doing anything differently than you are?
  2. See if you can change the culture. Lead by example and thank others for their efforts. Tell people openly they’re doing a good job. Compliment your coworkers when they succeed or help you get something accomplished. Sometimes an entire culture can change with just one person that tries to make a difference.
  3. Ask for feedback. Don’t start with your boss. Start with a trusted colleague and ask them how they think you are doing. Talk about how you feel underappreciated and discouraged. Can they give you advice on how to turn things around?
  4. Once you’ve done a little internal research, sought the advice of other resources, and made changes to your own behavior, consider speaking with your boss about how you’re feeling. Be careful not to make this a personal vendetta but do ask for an evaluation of your work. You may want to bring along a list of accomplishments you’ve achieved over the past few months. Ask for feedback on your strengths and weaknesses and set goals for improving.
  5. Consider finding a new job. Sometimes a toxic work environment can set you up for failure. If you’ve tried to change the work environment, asked your employee for feedback, and nothing has changed, the problem may be too great for you to repair.

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