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7 In-Demand IT Skills for 2021

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The job market is heating up along with the temperatures. One type of job has been as in-demand as it’s ever been. Technology and skills in the IT field are still some of the leading skills that employers are looking for today. Are there any types of job expertise that you should consider if you work in the IT field? The answer is yes, and this blog will help you figure out what you need to learn in 2021.

7 IT Job Skills to Learn This Year

1. Machine learning algorithims

Machine learning algorithms are being worked into just about every type of software. If you haven’t taken classes on system design, software engineering, or other IT options, consider focusing in on skills tied to machine learning as a good foundation for your future. Machine learning algorithms are found now in mobile, Internet of Things (IoT) devices, and desktop these algorithms help these devices work smarter by “learning” from prior behaviors. If you know how to work with these tools, you will also work a bit smarter.

2. Cloud skills.

If you’ve been focusing on on-premise applications, wake up and smell the cloud. Cloud computing skills including everything from security to configuration and deployment, are very important to employers today. That’s because the majority of all companies have at least one if not more applications in the cloud.

3. Data skills

Data skills will continue to be highly in demand. Organizations are finally learning to harness the data they’ve been capturing, so skills in data analysis, data warehousing, and programming will be very popular in the coming years. If you are a programmer, you will need backend data skills to make your resume more valuable to employers.

4. Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity is facing a huge skills gap. Organizations of all sizes are worried about the increasing volume of cybersecurity incidents that their companies are facing today. That makes general IT security skills increasingly valuable to employers.

5. Soft skills

Don’t forget about soft skills. Today’s developers and IT teams are truly driven by the soft skills that allow for collaboration, learning, and communication. Improving your ability to work closely with a team is just as important as learning a new technical skill. Work on your active listening, and patience, to move forward in your next job.

6. Mobile-first skills

Mobile-first skills for a mobile-first world are an IT aptitude that you can take to the bank. Companies are looking for IT teams with experience in mobile applications because of their popularity. To stay current with consumer demand, most companies are seeking employees with skills to build on in the mobile space.

7. Business analysis skills

Finally, business analysis skills will be increasingly popular in the next few years. Companies are searching for IT teams that have some aptitude for business strategy in addition to technical acumen.

Our Team Can Help You Find a New IT Opportunity

How can you build these skills for the future? How can seasoned IT teams continue to keep their skills sharp? If you’re interested in improving your skills to stay attractive to employers there are all kinds of classes and certifications available. We also recommend working with a staffing agency like ADD STAFF to take on new positions that push the boundaries of what you know with new learning experiences. If you feel like you’re stuck in the same job using the same skills, you run the risk of falling behind in IT. Don’t let your skills decline, instead work with our team to help you improve and stay fresh. To find out more, simply reach out to our team.

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